Part of The Purpose of Theta Xi is to provide alumni guidance and resources that augments the development and positive experience of all its undergraduate members. To that end, our alumni commit not only their time, but also their resources to ensure that each class of initiates have the same or better opportunities as the classes that have come before them. Join us in helping to support these men!

Immediate projects that need our attention are noted below:
The useful life of the roof has reached its end, and continued patching will only go so far. Our New Roof goal of $50,000 is aided by a generous 1:1 matching donation from some of our most distinguished alumni! Please reach out to brother Richard Cassel, Kappa Sigma 1342 (pictured laying shingles with the aid of his brothers on his own home in 2019) if you wish to become a matching donor at rwcassel@gmail.com. Be sure to list "New Roof Fund" in the comments section of the donation form if you wish to be added to list of donor names at the bottom of this page.
Riverfront Drain
Strech goal: Our storm drain in the Riverfront Pit needs to be repaired to be able to handle the high amounts of rainfall that occur regularly in Michigan. In 2018, flooding in Riverfront caused more than $15,000 of damage that could have been prevented with an adequate drain.​
Contact us today and start getting involved.

Tax exempt contributions may be made for the chapter to use specifically for educational purposes. Qualifying expenses include leadership and development programming, office supplies, resources, and anything else that enriches learning in members. These contributions must be made through myThetaXi. Follow the link below, sign-in, follow prompts for Support Theta Xi. Be sure to list "Kappa Sigma Chapter Education Account" in the comments section of the donation form.
New Roof Fund Donors have given $8,383 as of 08/12
Tim Allen
Matt Coffer
William Burmeister
John Leino
Melvin Zehnpfennig
Michael Spisz
Michael Zajchowski
Jonathan Rost
Chris Cunnington
Michael Novak
Chad Hessling
Gregory King
Jay Zocher
Brian Guilault
Joel Benkelman
Jeffrey Krueger
Joseph Robincheck
Jeffrey Pascoe
Wayne Cypress
Cameron Stadler
Matt Gee
Jared Boyle
Richard Cassel
Jeremy Bayless
Nate Nicholson
Casey Bates
In memory of Pete Brazas
Dave Strehlow
Arthur Ickes